Free Validation Plan

Free Validation Plan

To experience the benefits, we offer you a real Validation Plan (VP) for one of your actual computer systems or projects. This plan is compliant to all current regulations and can serve as the basis for your validation. Although the VP is according our efficient approach, it can be used with any other approach or supplier.

The Validation Plan will be based on our VP template. It will be created via an interactive workshop starting with a small introduction and training.

For a full validation the following roles are involved. Some roles may be combined or delegated. Attendance of a representation of these roles will lead to the best experience for your organization. The roles QO, SO and PO are needed to finalize and authorize the VP.

To get the free VP, please request per email. For contact details goto About Us. Please mention “Free Validation Plan”.

Note: The availability of this offer is depending on the total number of requests.

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